My Knee Exercise | 6 Month Knee Exercise Programme

  • Post last modified:March 29, 2024
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Do you have a painful and stiff knee that is stopping you performing your normal activities? Is it more stiff and painful in the mornings and after being static in one position for a period of time? Is it a constant aching pain, sometimes sharp pain? Does it vary in intensity depending on activity? Do you get pain from putting load through the knee joint – this could be walking, stair climbing, standing from a chair? 

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint condition worldwide, and the knee and hip joints are the most commonly affected joints. Approximately 1 in 10 people will experience symptomatic knee arthritis in their lifetime, with that rate predicting to rise with increasing ageing and a variety of lifestyle factors.

We’ve previously written posts on What is Osteoarthritis and The Benefits of Strength Training for Osteoarthritis if you are interested in learning more about this topic. 

We recently found this free 6 month evidence based exercise programme designed by physiotherapists for people with knee osteoarthritis that we wanted to share with you. 

It is completely free to sign up. It has been designed for people over 45 years experiencing persistent knee pain or diagnosed knee osteoarthritis. The programme is progressive, meaning the exercises get gradually harder. You also have access to a number of other resources like exercise log books and videos and stories from other people experiencing knee pain who have completed the programme to keep you motivated! 

Exercise therapy is the gold standard recommended treatment for symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. It might seem like the last thing you want to do at times when your knee is painful, but it is in fact the best way you can manage this knee pain and help yourself in the longer term. Exercise has been shown to improve pain levels, improve levels of disabilities and functional activities and improve quality of life. Exercise works in a number of ways:

  • Keeping the muscles, tendons and ligaments around the knee strong 
  • Cartilage health is maintained through optimal loading and movement
  • Regular physical activity reduces systemic levels of inflammation known to play a role in the progression and symptoms of osteoarthritis
  • Exercise can help you lose weight, which is known to reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis 
  • Exercise improves your mood, stress levels, and sleep- all vital factors which play large roles in our bodies perception of pain 

We are really impressed by the programme and have already recommended the programme to a number of individuals who are really enjoying it. 

Please take a look yourself and give it a go!


Phoebe is a physiotherapist currently working in the NHS with a special interest in working with older adults, specifically for promoting and empowering older adults to develop the confidence and skills to exercise and strength train. She has a wide range of experience of treating different client groups: older adults with general aches and pains, chronic pain, neurological conditions and cardiorespiratory conditions.